Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu partner je na EU IPA projektu RESCUE – Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings.
RESCUE Kick-Off meeting in Novi Sad
On June 06 2019, members of FERIT RESLAB team participated on RESCUE project kick-off meeting held at University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Početak projekta RESCUE
The kick-off meeting was organized by lead partner Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad with greetings from representatives of Vojvodina regional government, University of Novi Sad and FTN officials.
Prof. Dumnić from FTN as a project coordinator presented the RESCUE project in brief, followed by presentations of each partners and their role on RESCUE project:
- Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN)
- Clinical Center of Vojovodina (KCV)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology (FERIT)
- Machine Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod (SFSB) and
- Clinical Hospital Center of Osijek (KBCO)
Main goal of this project is to demonstrate innovative RES and EE approach for public buildings in the cross-border region. FERIT and FTN gained substantial know-how in the field of RES by implementing small-scale RES on their public buildings through successful cooperation on bilateral projects aiming to establish common research and education frame in the cross-border region. This project will strengthen this cooperation and involve new partners – KCV, KBCO and SFSB.
The meeting than continued in more details with period 1 and 2 activities to be performed in line with the project plan.