Study Programmes

Mechanical Engineering Faculty offers different levels of study programmes:

  1. Undergraduate study (PDF)
  2. Graduate study (PDF)
  3. Postgraduate doctoral study (PDF)
  4. Specialist study (PDF)

Configuration of study programmes

Since the academic year 2010/2011 students of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod are offered to enroll university undergraduate study “Mechanical Engineering” (up to this  academic year they enrolled the “Production Engineering” study). The Undergraduate Study “Mechanical Engineering” lasts six semesters and after the completion  student acquire at least 180 ECTS credits and the academic title of the  university bachelor engineer.

After completion of undergraduate study students can either look for employment or pursue studies at the Graduate Study “Mechanical Engineering”, in one of the five modules:  Product Design and Development, Manufacturing Logistics, Material Engineering, Engineering Technologies and Power Engineering. Students can also apply for Graduate Studies of other Higher Education Institutions within or outside the Republic of Croatia. Upon graduation, students acquire at least 120 ECTS credits and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering.

The study programs are suited to a wide range of Croatian economy needs but also of the wider area . The development of new products, as well as the application of modern technologies and materials, are the foundation of sophisticated products development for the foreign and domestic market and the improvement of the quality of life of our community.

Most courses are covered by literature published by teachers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod. Thus, Professors from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, from 1994 to March 2018, published a total of 52 textbooks and 32 internal editions, which, together with the existing rich library fund at the Faculty Library, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge during the study. The Faculty also issued 1 monograph and 9 proceedings.

Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod  currently attends 965 students at the university undergraduate and university graduate studies. By the end of 2017, university undergraduate study was completed by 689 students, and a total of 468 students graduated from university graduate studies.

Postgraduate studies

The following postgraduate studies are being conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod:

–       postgraduate specialist study “Product Development and Technology” with four modules: Application of Manufacturing Processes, Production Management, Design and Numerical Analysis of Constructions, Engineering of Materials

– postgraduate university (doctoral) study with three modules: Design and Numerical Modelling of Products, Modern Production Management, Modern Manufacturing processes.

In the academic year 2017/2018 postgraduate studies attend a total of 45 students, of which 12 students attend a specialist study course and 33 students attend postgraduate university study. By the end of 2017, 29 students completed their postgraduate university studies and obtained a Ph.D. degree, and 15 students completed a postgraduate specialist study.