Vukelic, Djordje; Milosevic, Aleksandar; Ivanov, Vitalii; Kocovic, Vladimir; Santosi, Zeljko; Sokac, Mario; Simunovic, Goran
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 2024
IF 2023 = 2,8; Q2

Vidaković, Ivan; Šimunović, Katica; Heffer, Goran; Špada, Vedrana
Microstructural analysis of flame‑sprayed and PTA‑deposited nickel‑based self‑fluxing alloy coatings
Welding in the World, 2024
IF 2023 = 2,4; Q2

Jovicic, Goran; Milosevic, Aleksandar; Kanovic, Zeljko; Sokac, Mario; Simunovic, Goran; Savkovic, Borislav; Vukelic, Djordje
Metals, 2023
IF2022 = 2,9; Q2

Vukelic, Djordje; Simunovic, Katica; Kanovic, Zeljko; Saric, Tomislav; Doroslovacki, Ksenija; Prica, Miljana; Simunovic, Goran
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 2022
IF2022 = 3,6; Q2

Monkova, Katarina; Urban, Marek; Monka, Peter Pavol; Kozak, Drazan
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021
IF2021 = 3,634; Q2

Marić, Dejan; Šolić, Tomislav; Kondić, Veljko; Samardzic, Ivan
Welding in the world (2022)
IF2021 = 1,984; Q2

Tomerlin, Damir; Kozak, Dražan; Damjanović, Darko; Katinić, Marko
Structural life analysis method applied to hydraulic press welded frame construction
Welding in the world (2022)
IF2021 = 1,984; Q2

Kanovic, Zeljko; Vukelic, Djordje; Simunovic, Katica; Prica, Miljana; Saric, Tomislav; Tadic, Branko; Simunovic, Goran
Metals, 2022
IF 2022 = 2,9; Q2

Šolić, Tomislav; Marić, Dejan; Novoselović, Daniel; Samardžić, Ivan
Optimization of Parameters for Protection of Materials by Primer Application
Coatings (2022)
IF2021 = 3,236, Q2

Grgić, I.; Wertheimer, V.; Karakašić, M.; Ivandić, Ž.
Applied Sciences, 2021
IF2019 = 2,474; Q2

Novosel, Urška; Živić, Marija; Avsec, Jurij
International journal of hydrogen energy, 2021
IF2020 = 5,816; Q2

Katinić, M.; Kozak, D.; Konjatić, P. Turk, D.
Numerical analysis of the effect of residual stress on transient creep in SENB specimen
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2020
IF2020= 2,230; Q2

Djordje Vukelic; Katica Simunovic; Zeljko Kanovic; Tomislav Saric; Branko Tadic; Goran Simunovic
Multi-objective optimization of steel AISI 1040 dry turning using genetic algorithm
Neural Computing and Applications, 2021
IF2021 = 5,102; Q2

Monkova, Katarina; Vasina, Martin; Monka, Peter Pavol; Kozak, Drazan; Vanca, Jan
Materials, 2020
IF2019 = 3,057; Q2

Katinić, M.; Kozak, D.; Gelo, I.; Damjanović, D.
Corrosion fatigue failure of steam turbine moving blades: A case study
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019
IF2019 = 2,897; Q2

Vukelic, Djordje; Agarski, Boris; Budak, Igor; Simunovic, Goran; Buchmeister, Borut; Jakovljevic, Zivana; Tadic, Branko
Eco-Design of Fixtures Based on Life Cycle and Cost Assessment
International journal of simulation modelling, 2019
IF2019 = 2,492; Q2

Marko Dunđer; Tomaž Vuherer; Ivan Samardžić; Dejan Marić
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2019
IF2018 = 2,633; Q2

Dejan Marić, Miroslav Duspara, Josip Cumin; Ivan Samardžić
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2018
IF2018 = 2,633; Q2

Katica Šimunović, Ljerka Slokar, Sara Havrlišan
Philosophical Magazine. 2017
IF2017 = 1,632; Q2

Vukelić, Djordje; Tadić, Branko; Džunić, Dragan; Kocović, Vladimir; Brzaković, Ljiljana; Živković, Milutin; Šimunović, Goran
Analysis of ball-burnishing impact on barrier properties of wood workpieces
International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2017
IF2015 = 2,601; Q2

Alinjak, T., Pavic, I., Stojkov, M.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017
IF2017 = 2,618; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
The Jensen and Hermite-Hadamard inequality on the triangle
Journal of mathematical inequalities, 2017
IF2017 = 0,849; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
Improvements of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality for the simplex
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2017
IF2017 = 0,966; Q2

Topić, D., Šljivac, D., Stojkov, M.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability, 2016
IF2016 = 1,145; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
Certain inequalities for convex functions
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 2015
IF2015 = 0,636, Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
Improvements of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality
Journal of inequalities and applications, (2015)
IF2015 = 0,630; Q2

Katica Šimunović, Tomislav Šarić, Goran Šimunović
Tribology Transactions, 2014
IF2014 = 1,349; Q2

Katica Šimunović, Tomislav Šarić, Goran Šimunović
Tribology Transactions, 2014
IF2014 = 1,349; Q2

Solenicki, G, Budic, I.; Kladaric, I.; et. al.
Compressive stresses of mould mixture
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Budic, I.; Novoselovic, D.; Samardzic, I.
Influence of process parameters on castability at full mold casting
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Sedmak, Aleksandar; Milović, Ljubica; Pavišić, Mirko; Konjatić Pejo
Finite element modelling of creep process – steady state stresses and strains
Thermal science, 2014
IF2014 =1,222; Q2

Živić, Marija; Galović, Antun; Virag, Zdravko
Thermal science, 2014
IF2014 =1,222; Q2

D. Bajic; G. Vladimirovich Kuzmenko; I. Samardžić
Welding of rails with new technology of arc welding
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Josip Stojšić; Pero Raos; Alena Kalendova
A study of structure and tensile properties of polyamide 12/clay nanocomposites
Polymer composites, 2014
Podaci o IF i kvartilu: IF2014 = 2,324; Q2

Krolczyk; P. Nieslony; S. Legutko; A. Stoic
Microhardness changes gradient of the duplex stainless steel (DSS) surface layer after dry turning
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Dunđer; T. Vuherer; I. Samardžić
Weldability prediction of high strength steel S960QL after weld thermal cycle simulation
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Dunđer; T. Vuherer; I. Samardžić
Weldability of microalloyed high strength steels TStE 420 and S960QL
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Mohyla; Z. Kubon; R. Cep; I. Samardzic
Evaluation of creep properties of steel P92 and its welded joint
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Vuherer; M. Zrilić; Lj. Milović; I. Samardžić; V. Gliha
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

I. Samardžić; A. Čikić; M. Dunđer
Accelerated weldability investigation of TStE 420 steel by weld thermal cycle simulation,
Metalurgija, 2014
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
Journal of inequalities and applications, 2014
IF2014 = 0,773; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
Extension of Jensen’s inequality to affine combinations
Journal of inequalities and applications, 2014
IF2014 = 0,773; Q2

Harničárová, Marta; Valíček, Jan; Öchsner, Andreas; Grznárik, Radovan; Kušnerová, Milena; Neugebauer, Josef; Kozak, Dražan
Predicting residual and flow stresses from surface topography created by laser cutting technology
Optics & Laser Technology, 2013
IF2013 = 3,233; Q2

T. Vuherer; M. Dunđer; Lj. Milović; M. Zrilić; I. Samardžić
Microstructural investigation of the heat-affected zone of simulated welded joint of P91 steel
Metalurgija, 2013
IF2013 = 0,959; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko
The applications of functional variants of Jensen’s inequality
Journal of function spaces and applications, 2013
Podaci o IF i kvartilu: IF2013 = 0,768; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko:
Convex combinations, barycenters and convex functions
Journal of inequalities and applications, 2013
IF2013 = 0,768; Q2

S. Hloch; J. Valíček; I. Samardžić; D. Kozak; M. Kušnerová
Classification of technical materials according to classes machinability for hydroabrasive cutting,
Metalurgija, 2012
IF2013 = 0,959; Q2

D. Šoštarić; I. Samardžić; A. Pintarić: Quality monitoring at fusion welding of polyethylene high-density pipes
Metalurgija, 2012
IF2012 = 0,959; Q2

J. Valíček; S. Hloch; I. Samardžić; M. Kušnerová; M. Zeleňák
Influence of traverse speed on surface irregularities created by the abrasive waterjet
Metalurgija, 2012
IF2013 = 0,959; Q2

Mićić, Jadranka; Pavić, Zlatko; Pečarić, Josip
Jensen’s inequality for operators without operator convexity
Linear algebra and its applications, 2011
IF2011 = 0,974; Q2

Pavić, Zlatko; Pečarić, Josip; Vukelić, Ana
Means for divided differences and exponential convexity
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2011
IF2012 = 0,641; Q2

I. Samardžić; M. Dunđer; A. Pintarić
Possibilities of joining techniques application at railway lines joining and maintenance
Metalurgija, 2011
IF2014 = 0,959; Q2

I. Samardžić; B. Mateša; I. Kladarić
The influence of heat treatment on properties of three-metal explosion joint: AlMg-Al-Steel
Metalurgija, 2011
IF2013 = 0,959; Q2

Ilija Svalina; Kristian Sabo, Goran Šimunović
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011
IF2011 = 1,103; Q2