Surface implementation to extend the life of parts and equipment

Project label
Project duration (years)
Project abstract
With correct tribological practice, it is possible, to select for a given tribo couple the materials and procedures for finishing its surface according to the conditions of the level of contact pressure, the speed of relative movement, the type of intermediate media and the working temperature with the possibility of monitoring and adjusting the friction moment, as well as the dimensional criterion for the completion of functional work.
The plan provides for:
– the production of tribological coatings that meet tribological requirements in composition, structure and properties,
– laboratory testing of chemical, structural, mechanical and tribological properties of materials and tribological coatings,
– exploatation testing of samples and parts of tribological systems,
– analysis of the causes of wear of individual parts of tribosystems in application and monitoring of the condition of tribosystems by analysis of wear particles in the lubricating oil.
It is assumed that, depending on the parameters (e.g. the size of the contact pressure), appropriate materials can be selected, as well as surface heat treatment processes, which not only provide a satisfactory service life, but are also cheaper.
In order to achieve the conditions for wear resistance tests, additional equipment of the device SMT 1-2070 is carried out for testing friction and material wear, increasing the parameters to load values up to 5000 N and the number of revolutions up to 1000-1.
In addition to this device, tests will be performed on other equipment in the laboratory of the Department of Material Engineering (Taber Abraser, microscope, hardness testers, furnaces) in accordance with the appropriate standards prescribed by the parameters. If necessary, the test equipment is moderated internally and/or at the appropriate authorized institutions.
Project aim
The aim of this project is to choose surface implementation procedures that allow the extension of parts and equipment life. Determine tribological properties of materials and layers by comparing different surface implementation processes, depending on the test parameters: relative motion velocity, size of contact pressure, among the medium and environment medium. By analyzing the composition of the surface layers, determine which structural constituents and phases contribute to the increase of wear resistance. Determine how the chemical composition of the base material and the condition of its previous thermal preparation affect on the properties of the surface layers as well as the wear resistance. Gathering a sufficient amount of knowledge about materials and certain technologies and techniques for surface implementation that will allow optimal selection of materials, tribological coatings and technologies for their obtaining depending on the application. Through the publication of papers in appropriate journals and conferences, the already started collaborations with research groups dealing with the fields of heat treatment, testing the tribological characteristics of materials and layers and extending the life of parts exposed to wear will be intensified.