Development of models and computer programs for optimizing the use of waste heat and energy from renewable sources in combined heating, cooling and electricity generation systems

Project label
Project duration (years)
Project abstract
Concern for the environment, due to global warming caused by carbon emissions associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, is increasing so clean energy sources are gaining in importance. Waste heat is considered clean energy in some countries, as there is no additional direct carbon emissions and it is free (because it would otherwise be wasted).
In the last ten years, the development and improvement of so-called heat-driven cooling technologies has begun in which an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) drives a vapor compression refrigeration cycle (VPC). The advantage of this combined system (ORC-VPC) is the flexibility in relation to the mechanical power of the expander that allows the system to continuously use thermal energy throughout the year. In the warm part of the year, the ORC that drives the VPC uses all the heat for cooling, and when cooling is not needed, all the heat energy is converted into electricity.
The project will theoretically analyze and optimize the heat-driven cooling system. A mathematical model of the combined ORC-VPC cycle will be developed and program code will be written in the equation solving software, Engineering Equation Solver (EES). A parametric analysis in terms of device performance and mass will be performed to find critical design parameters for the combined cycle configuration and its modifications. The performance of the basic combined cycle will be investigated, as well as its modifications that include the installation of recuperators and preheaters. The most important design parameters are: evaporation temperature, condensation temperature, recuperator efficiency, and isentropic turbine and compressor efficiency.
The cycle will be optimized with respect to the set goal functions. The goal is to achieve the maximum total coefficient of performance (COPs), and the recovery of waste heat in the largest possible amount.
When choosing a project solution for the revitalization of technical systems related to energy consumption, it is necessary to optimize the use of energy from renewable sources with energy from rezerve heat sources on fossil fuels, taking into account techno-economic criteria.
The project also includes an analysis of the use of renewable energy sources in the heating, cooling and electricity generation system.
Project aim
The goal is to achieve “almost zero energy building” by using energy from renewable sources.
- Increase the total coefficient of performance (COPs) of the combined organic Rankine and vapor-compression refrigeration cycle
- Optimize the geometric characteristics of the elements of the combined organic Rankine and vapor-compression refrigeration cycle
- Build a model of “almost zero energy building” using energy from renewable source
- Strengthen the scientific research potential of the Department of energetics